WEARx Abrasion Resistant Products
RPM is a manufacturer of Premium Chrome Carbide Overlay Plate. RPM Plate is manufactured by an Automated Plate Welding System that was designed and manufactured in-house in 2020. This system features Precision Integrated Controls for Positioning, Welding & Cooling which allows RPM to manufacture a consistent cost-effective premium overlay plate.

Equipment Wear Liner Packages
RPM manufactures custom wear liner packages for a variety of applications based on customers priorities such as ease of maintenance, material flow, weight reduction, increased wear life, and reduced carryback to lower the cost of ownership.
Common uses include:
Pulverizer Rolls
When it comes to rebuilding pulverizer rolls, few can compete with RPM’s 35+ years of experience in which we have rebuilt over 2500 rolls. This knowledge and experience has been applied in the manufacture of RPM’s line of New Steel Core Pulverizer rolls. RPM stands out from the competition with our industry leading Tungsten Carbide wear band to enhance wear life and provide our customers with the lowest cost of ownership.

Pulverizer Tables
RPM has extensive experience overlaying pulverizer mill tables of many sizes and styles and rebuilds tables in-house or on-site depending on your needs. RPM also offers replacement New Steel Table Segments delivered with or without RPM’s engineered chrome carbide overlay.
Journal Components
RPM has the capability to provide solutions for CE, MPS, MBF & HP style mills by manufacturing new or rebuilding worn components to upgrade or renew your coal mills. RPM rebuild services transform your worn or out-of-spec components into renewed parts that meet or exceed OEM specifications.

Mill Components
RPM manufactures engineered products for CE, MPS, MBF & HP style mills to upgrade and increase wear life on components in your existing coal mills. RPM solves problems!
Wear Pipe
RPM’s Engineered Overlay is offered for multiple applications including: Fuel Piping, Bottom Ash Pipe, Coal Nozzles, Riffle Housings & other pipe-related parts used in high-abrasion/ erosion environments. RPM can Manufacture, Repair or Rebuild Smooth Radius Elbows, Flat Back Elbows, Tangents along with other fuel transport pipe.

Specialty Products
RPM provides custom solutions to your problem. Products include: Soot Blower Rollers, Gasifier Bearings, Kiln Burner Nozzles, Crane Wheels, Clutch Drums, Rotary Valves, Vertical Ball Mill Screws, Auxiliary Mill Drives and more.